
Showing posts from October, 2011

Jai Hind!

    Do you know what it reads? Its written in Punjabi. It translates to: On occasion of 101th Birthday of Shahide Azam S. Bhagat Singh, shoes will be polished for free! I'm completely speechless after reading that statement :( IF YOU ARE REALLY PROUD OF HIM  THEN DO SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES :)

A great service to the voter!

Simply amazing!   You will get almost all details about the candidate like their education, criminal cases, total assets etc. Click on a particular candidate and you will get more data than you can imagine!! Great work done by a group of professors from IIM , Ahmedabad (ADR) So check this link before you go for voting..!! Very Interesting data U get! PLEASE PASS THE WORD AROUND

Vasi Yogam/Gathagatham/Siddha Yogam

The ultimate part in yoga is Vasi yogam,  AKA Siddha Yoga/Gathagatham etc. This was composed by great siddhars and it is used a short cut for Self realization. “ Vasi ” means to dwell or reside inside. The one that resides inside is the true self keeping the body and mind as instruments. Vasi Yoga comprises the process of harmonious breathing by which  we are enriching our body and mind with the energies required for health and happiness in our self. The body and mind are activated and energised by the life force called “ Prana ”.There are five different pranic energies in our being responsible for the functioning of our Gnana-indriyas and Karma-indriyas which are the faculties helping us to live in this world. A combination of lifestyle changes, Yogic Kriyas and breathing techniques harmonise the energies of our body and mind for a healthy living.  You also need a connection to the inner being through understanding and feeling of our inner energies t...

Trip to India as teen was a life-changer for Steve Jobs

NEW DELHI: Steve Jobs came to India as a teenager in search of enlightenment. He returned disappointed, following a brush with lice, scabies, dysentery and a near mob thrashing after he protested at being sold watered-down buffalo milk. But the trip did mark a turning point in his life. In his own words, it helped him realize that " Thomas Edison did a lot more to improve the world than Karl Marx and Neem Karoli Baba (the guru he was seeking, who died before they could meet) put together " .   Steve Jobs : His works, legacy Jobs' India connection, though, preceded his trip. As a penniless college drop-out , he would walk seven miles every Sunday to get a free meal at the Hare Krishna temple. He also retained a lifelong admiration for Mahatma Gandhi. In 1997, Apple's 'Think Different' ads, which featured his personal idols, included the Mahatma. Tough India visit led him to question many illusions Steve Jobs' trip to India was eventful, to put it mildly...

Durga Puja

  Holy Mother (Sri Sri Sarada Devi) graced the Durga Puja celebrations held at the Belur Math by her presence. To attend the Puja at Belur in 1912, she camped there for about a week. When she arrived at the gate of the Math at the close of the Bodhan ceremony (awakening of the Deity), the monks and devotees, headed by the great Swami Premananda, unhorsed the carriage and drew it through the Math grounds. On successive days hundreds of devotees made flower offerings at her feet. Swami Brahmananda worshipped her with one hundred and eight full-blown lotuses, and her devotee and disciple, Dr. Kanjilal, danced before the image of the Deity with gestures and postures like a mischievous imp, to entertain the Divine Mother, as it were. She was again present at the worship of Durga held in 1916. We get an impression of the exaltation she created by her presence, in the following extract from a letter of Swami Shivananda: ' Owing to the presence of the blessed Holy Mother a...

Humanity Still exists :)

  Two blind persons wanted to drink water at the RagiGudda temple, Bangalore. When, t hey were unable to operate the tap, this mother monkey opened the tap for them, allowed them to drink water, drank some water  for herself and then closed the tap before leaving the scene. Do share this link with your friends. It is proof that humanity does exist - even if we humans have forgotten it ourselves...!!!