Bhagwan Krishna And Bhagvad Gita

This is the one central idea in the Gita:

work incessantly, but be not attached to it.

That wonderful poem, without one note in it, of weakness or unmanliness.

Krishna talks of himself as God, as Christ does. He sees the Deity in himself. And he says, "None can go a day out of my path. All have to come to me. Whosoever wants to worship in whatsoever form, I give him faith in that form, and through that I meet him. ..."(Gita, IV. 12.) His heart is all for the masses.

This was the great work of Krishna : to clear our eyes and make us look with broader vision upon humanity in its march upward and onward. His was the first heart that was large enough to see truth in all, his the first lips that uttered beautiful words for each and all.

-Swami Vivekananda.


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